As a SEPARATING couple, how will we benefit from Counselling?

As a SEPARATING couple, how will we benefit from Counselling?

  • You will have a chance to talk and to be heard in a supportive environment, as you come to terms with separation
  • You will learn to communicate more effectively and to resolve issues constructively, within the challenges of this journey
  • You may wish to unpack some of the issues that led to the separation
  • You can work through any issues related to the children
  • You will understand the ensuing roller coaster ride that generally follows a separation, with practical strategies towards an optimistic future
  • You will be guided through the options you have to complete a Property Settlement and Children`s arrangements
  • You will be encouraged to work through the many potential challenges, without going to Court


If children are involved, you will be coached on:

– How to tell the kids

– Current research regarding how to ensure your child/ren thrive during and after your separation

– Risk factors that need to be avoided

– Protective factors that contribute to the wellbeing of children

– How to co-parent effectively, given your circumstances

– Life after separation with healthy communication and parenting focussed on the children`s best interests

– Dealing with questions and unusual behaviours from kids