Step into a space of support, healing and
growth, with an experienced psychologist.

Let Real Resolutions empower you to take control of your life and find some inner peace.

Whether you are struggling with a personal issue, going through a separation, or dealing with unresolved conflict, Real Resolutions can help you.

Looking for

  • A respectful, compassionate and non-judgemental approach
  • Practical and future focussed strategies

Face to face sessions at The Malvern Rooms, 1227 Malvern Road, Malvern.

Sessions available via Zoom

REAL RESOLUTIONS assists with:

About Sandy Hirschfield

I specialise in targeted practical solutions tailored to suit your circumstances.

With over 20 years experience as a Psychologist and a Mediator working in Organisations and in Private Practice, I have also gained experience as a Human Resources Manager and Consultant, Conciliator and Collaborative Practitioner. Using the skills and insights gained from these experiences, I draw on knowledge and strategies that resonate with your needs.

You can rely on me to ask the questions that will best determine how to gently and practically assist you to move forward in a positive manner, helping you to find inner peace and empowering you with life skills to manage future issues.

I have a strong belief in accepting that there are often circumstances over which you may have no control, but you do have control over HOW YOU RESPOND TO THEM. This is central to my work and practice around many presenting issues and disputes.

With a Mental Health Plan from your GP, you will receive the Medicare Rebate for a number of individual sessions

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